Make the Most Out of Your Holiday Break

The holidays are just around the corner, and many people are lucky to have a few days off around this time of year. While this is great for spending time with family and friends or indulging in self-care, it can also give you the time you need to tackle some major home to-dos. If you find yourself with some downtime this holiday break, here are some tasks that you can finally check off your to-do list.

Clean out the kitchen and pantry

Dig deep in your cupboards and fridge and discard all the expired perishables. Consider donating any non-perishables that you aren’t going to use. While you’re sorting your goods, don’t forget to clean around the fridge drawers and wipe down your shelves as well.

Purge your holiday decorations

What better time to sort through your holiday decorations than when you are putting them away for the year? Sure, most of the new or sentimental decorations should stay, but there also may be some old, tangled string lights that you could probably let go of. Save yourself the time and space next year and throw away or donate the items you no longer need.

Organize your coat closet

The coat closet can become a real mess during the winter, so it’s good to periodically take the time to organize it. Try to keep it filled with only the coats that are worn regularly during the colder months and store your occasional or warmer weather coats elsewhere. Keep gloves, hats, and scarves organized together in bins or shelves. Put a shoe rack in your closet with a rubber mat underneath to keep all of the wet boots stored away.

Clear out your bathroom products

Depending on how many people share a bathroom in your home, this may or may not be a big task. Either way, it’s good to go through your cupboards and look for any products and toiletries that aren’t being used or could be expired. Throw away any empty bottles or soaps taking up space in your shower, as well.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, and a Happy Holiday Season. And remember – if you’re seeking a new home in the new year, register now for updates on our upcoming communities. Stay safe everyone!